Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Heartwarming Tale from the Humane Society

This is a great story from Kathleen Olson, Executive Director of our local humane society - The Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County.

Mike and his dog became homeless in August. The dog ended up at the shelter when he escaped a yard where Mike had left him with a friend. Mike walked to the shelter on Sunday after chapel services at the Mission and was relieved to find that we had his dog in a safe, warm kennel. The Tacoma Rescue Mission helped Mike with housing and assistance to get medical issues resolved through the Veteran's Administration. We were able to find a foster home to care for his dog until he has housing again.

UPDATE: Mike stopped by today to get his dog’s neuter certificate. He has housing now where he will be able to take the dog. He also has a pass so that Anu can go on Pierce Transit with him. He is enrolled in training classes for him and the dog.

We did not recognize Mike when he came in, as his hair is neatly trimmed and he is much healthier following the assistance he received from The Tacoma Rescue Mission and Veteran’s Administration.

So now you know the rest of the story.

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