Dear Friends:
Thank you from all of us on the Whiskers Wine & Dine 2011 auction committee and the Coalition: HUMAnE Spay & Neuter Clinic. Your generosity contributed to our most successful auction yet! Over 300 people attended the auction on March 12 th and our net proceeds exceeded a record-breaking $90,000!
We are fortunate for the amazing staff, volunteers, and supporters who are willing to give so much to bring low-cost spay and neuter services to our greater community. Since the clinic opened in March of 2008, Coalition: HUMAnE has performed over 17,000 alterations. We are receiving reports from local shelters that the impact of this work is already felt as fewer unwanted pets pass through the doors. Our surgery schedule remains booked as we make it easy for pet owners to do the right thing by altering their cats and dogs. We continue to work hard to bring these low-priced services and special programs, such as our Spay Day Voucher program, to low income families.
Thank you for joining us on our mission to end the tragedy of pet overpopulation. We are grateful for your generosity and hope that you will participate in Whiskers Wine & Dine next year! In the meantime, please feel free to stay up-to-date by checking our website at www.coalitionhumane.org to see what we are doing to meet the needs of our beloved four-legged friends and progress on the purchase of our new clinic.
Lorrie Kalmbach-Ehlers, Executive Director
P.S. Watch for some great event photos to show up at our Flickr site soon!